M'aiq owns a spear, but M'aiq left it to an argonian to polish it, the tip can be painful.
You dirty animal :no: . That would be a bit too much - people would laugh themselves to death.
M'aiq is an aspect of the daedric prince Hermaeus Mora.
More like Sheogorath if you ask me. "The Daedra are the embodiment of change! Change and permanency! I am no different, except in the ways that I am!". Sounds like the same author wrote quotes for the two

M'aiq hears complaining about fast traveling, M'aiq wonders what is so bad about traveling really fast, saves time if you ask M'aiq.
abut fast travel

There already is a quote about it in Oblivion. Let's leave it, we don't need another

No horses? Blaaaahh... Nonsense!, why would M'aiq be here if there wasn't any horses?
:rofl: Now that's a good one!
Do you happen to be the original author?