I played a few times, have a G36c.
As a relative amateur though I found there to be a bit of poor sportsmanship from a few of the more experienced guys. It seemed that since they had alot of fancy and expensive replica gear they thought they could start taking liberties. Not taking hits, not walking all the way back to the respawn, using newer members as bait etc... Apparently forcing a new player to walk along loudly in the foliage to draw enemy fire is considered a fun and suitable first time experience. I don't think I ever saw that guy again...
It wasn't like they were having a laugh either, they were just genuine wankers.
Depends on the group, we had experienced guys who played with us with good replica gear but were complete elitist. They weren't apart of the Airsoft Louisville founders. We have red rags, you get hit you pull out your death rag, call "hit", and then place it on your head and wait to respawn(5 minutes and you walk off the field to the graveyard) or someone can walk up to you, and tie a blue ribbon around your arm and you have been medic'd everyone can be a medic etc. If someone sees you getting hit over and over and you don't call it we just yell "Hey you realize you're being hit" because with all the gear there have been times I was getting hit on my back but with my camelbak I couldn't feel or hear it, someone just let me know. In all my years of playing with large groups we very rarely have problems. Every now and then we get a new guy who doesn't want to comply with anything in which our founding members just ask them to leave if not go to the owner of where we play and they get banned.
If you have a good group and place to play Airsoft can be so much more fun then just running around the woods by your house.