Probably depends on what specific things about a game world are discussed. The question whether Hammerfell borders on Morrowind or not can be answered by looking at "Canon". But a lot of the Lore discussed here is far more mythology than geography, and "True" and "Untrue" don't seem to be the best aids to really grasp what mythology's about ... Science is about facts, stories on the other hand tend not to be. I wouldn't be surprised therefore if many Lore fans react even allergically to the term "Canon" - I know I do.
edit: Maybe "fact" and "not fact" would be better terms here than "true" and "untrue".I would love for MK's works to be canon for the same reasons I would love the Fallout bible to be canon. It solves everything.
I see what you mean, but do we really
want everything to be solved for us? I mean, the fascination in a riddle does not lie in being
told the solution, is it? Or being given a quick and complete summary of a story, in the case of a book?
That's exactly one of the things so many people around here love MK's posts; having been one of the creative minds behind a lot of lore, he can offer us insights that help us in unravelling it by ourselves. He doesn't forget all he knows at the moment he stops being paid by Bethesda, after all!

Hand of Sotha