Trinimac is Malacath.
Three daedric princes; Boethiah, Azura, and Mephala, convinced a sect of Aldmer to follow a different path (they are today the Dunmer, or the Dark Elves). Trinimac, champion of Auri-El (the aldmeri aspect of Akatosh) attempted to intervene. In response,Boethiah ate Trinimac, used Trinny's voice to give lie to the Aedra's way, and then pooped (yes, pooped) Trinimac back out as a final insult. Trinimac was corrupted into Malacath, and his disciples were corrupted by proxy. His disciples today are the Orsimer, or the Orcs., the Pariah Folk. It's the point when many lore buffs consider the Aldmer to have stopped being "right" since they shunned the Orcs.
That's why "Dung heap" or other slang terms for fecal accumulations can be considered an insulting epithet to orcs.