How come the dead Akaviri soldiers in Oblivion all look like normal human skeletons? I tried looking this up and found that there were four races in Akavir- vampiric snakes, monkey people, demon-like people, and tiger-like cat people. Which one of these four races would the soldiers be?
Two possibilities. The simpler is that, through some mytho-magical process, the Tscaeci ate the men of Akavir... and then
became them. So while they were immortal snake men, the claimed the forms of men well before invading Tamriel.
But then, what of the descriptions in certain stories of very snake-like fighting styles?
My theory is that the people found at Pale Pass were, in fact, men of the land. The Akaviri Potentate had been established generations before, and no would-be ruler ever lasts that long without the consent of the ruled. The impression I get is that the crossing between Akavir and Tamriel is a long and difficult one, and there have only been a few such crossings over many a century. As a result, I suspect that the conquers, while probably technologically superior to the people they invaded, were numerically inferior. Had they attempted to rule through brute force alone, they would likely have been marginalized through a war of attrition by the hostile people surrounding them.
No, the main advantage would have been not technological (that provides only a temporary advantage, until the locals figure out how to duplicate and use said technology) but social. We see evidence of this in the Origin of the Fighters Guild, which was among many trade organizations established under the Potentate. Very likely, when the Tscaeci arrived and saw a few victories, some joined them because they wanted to be on a winning side, but more joined, and stayed, because the potential economic benefits were enormous. (It is also possible that the Akaviri invaders tapped a deep current of resentment of existing political institutions.)
By the time of the Battle of Pale Pass, I suspect that the actual number of Tscaeci involved in the Potentate was rather few, and that the government was Akaviri more in institutional descent than in biological composition. Indeed, I see no evidence that the Potentate was ever part of a larger trans-oceanic institution linking it politically to Akavir.
Please note that this isn't just some fanboyish attempt to retcon the skeletons at Pale Pass into the existing corpus (not that I have any problem with doing that

). This is what I would have expected, had I considered it, even before playing the Pale Pass quest.