Something that really bothered me in Oblivion was that my character was the only one that would walk around the cities in partial or full armor (apart from the guards). Surely their are other adventures in tamriel besides my character so why not have them walking around in armor? Would you rather have NPC's in armor more often in Skyrim or keep it the same to OB?
Like the fact that in Morrowind you'd always be tripping over dead 'adventurers' who had been their before you, who were supposed to be fulfilling the same in-game role as the player, to a certain extent?
Yes. Yes this did bother me. I'd prefer a random 'mazoga the orc' faction which contained NPCs with a random chance of popping up where you'd least expect them, doing something similar to you (e.g. thieves breaking into peoples houses, murders occurring randomly, bands of NPCs marauding around the country side doing good deeds)
Is this simple? My answer would be no
Does Todd Howard believe in simplicity when designing a game - yes.