Here's a replacer for the Lamp model (which previously used a bug lamp mesh): now it has
a proper "Djinn Lamp" look, courtesy of Archmaestro Antares (with some minor texture
adjustments/embelleshments by myself...). lamp replacer is packaged/archived with 7zip. Should one desire to use
this mod, an archive programme such as 7zip, Winrar, Winace, or
Zip Genious should be used to extract/open the information/files herein.
Once extracted/opened, just drag and drop the Data Files Folder onto/into
the Morrowind folder in your
*C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks directory
and they will go where they are meant to go. All the files are placed inside
folders as marked (become familiar with manual installations, your game
will thank you for it). You will then be prompted to overwrite. Click yes/ok
and the new lamp files should now be properly installed.
*Assumes "C" is your default, if not, then adjust for your game's installation directoryThank You, Archmaestro Antares for the new model

Take Care All :wave: