» Wed May 11, 2011 7:41 pm
In Crysis 2, it makes ZERO sense that none of the tertiary characters mentions Alcatraz's inability to speak UNLESS he was meant to be a silent protagonist.
But maybe he was meant to be a silent protagonist and Peter Watts gave us a reason, maybe Morgan wrote the story for the game but Watts wrote a book about the game, like his own version which is pretty close
Maybe so, but isn't that still a glaring inconsistency?
A silent protagonist is a story-telling device. It's used, as others have pointed out, to put the reader/player in the shoes of the hero. Just because a protagonist is a silent protagonist doesn't mean that he lacks the ability to speak within the game world's fiction. Look at Soap from Modern Warfare. He is a silent protagonist in the first game, but in Mw2, when the player assumes the role of a soldier under Soap's command, we hear Soap speak and see his face.
Now look at Alcatraz. By the same logic, in Crysis 3, if the player doesn't assume the role of Alcatraz but Alcatraz is a character in the game, we should be able to hear his voice/see his face.
Maybe a silent protagonist could theoretically also be a mute character? Though it would be needlessly confusing, there's nothing preventing a writer from using the silent protagonist device with a character who literally cannot speak (within the game's fiction). But there's a reason that we can't just assume that Alcatraz is a mute - as I've previously stated - every other main character in the game speaks directly to him, he never responds, and nobody says boo about it. That pretty much forces the audience to assume that Alc is a silent protagonist and NOT a mute.
Obviously this isn't a big deal to a lot of people, and that's fine. Me, I'm a writer and it stands out to me, so I like discussing it, that's all. Your opinion is perfectly legitimate as well. However, if I were Peter Watts, I'd damn sure play Crysis 2 and realize that Alcatraz is a silent protagonist and not a literal mute before I write about how he supposedly lost his voice during the events of Crysis 2.
*edit* Check out this article. It's an excellent breakdown of the different types of silent protagonists. Alc. falls into the second category. http://www.giantbomb.com/silent-protagonist/92-54/