From the Cobl thread
So is this the update?
I annoyed myself last night when after making a few hundred potions and not saving since before I started the session I managed to create an effectless recipe and suffered a CTD. I'll have to make them all over again, but at least this hopefully means one "mistake" shouldn't risk a CTD.
So is this the update?
I annoyed myself last night when after making a few hundred potions and not saving since before I started the session I managed to create an effectless recipe and suffered a CTD. I'll have to make them all over again, but at least this hopefully means one "mistake" shouldn't risk a CTD.
Yep, this is the update. Unless you have a mod full of potions that have the same effects and strength as can be made in the Alchemy menu, that should take care of the blank recipe bug. Hmm... I can still take care of this from the Alchemical Formula side pretty easily. Let me go digging through the old code...
Got a quick question, if I remember correctly the RUE can handle formulas/lists with 'alternative materials'. Is there a way to create a formula with a list alternative materials?
Right now I got two of the same formulas, well the effects are the same. Only one ingredient is different and for the purpose of the effects it's the same. So I got two formulas that do the same, have the same name and require (almost) the same ingredients.
Oh and it's been a very long time but I recall seeing or reading about pre-made formulas or something. Am I missing something here cause I can't seem to find anything about them (either in readme or on download page)? :unsure:
Right now I got two of the same formulas, well the effects are the same. Only one ingredient is different and for the purpose of the effects it's the same. So I got two formulas that do the same, have the same name and require (almost) the same ingredients.
Oh and it's been a very long time but I recall seeing or reading about pre-made formulas or something. Am I missing something here cause I can't seem to find anything about them (either in readme or on download page)? :unsure:
Pre-made formulas I could have done

Alternative list of ingredients - this is one that would need to be added to RUE. Again, RUE is a freaking mess to read with the single arrays of Pluggy (and takes a full day or two just to look through the code and remember how it works), but will be much more straightforward with OBSE's StringMap arrays. So, waiting for OBSE v17