This is a major overhaul from the last version. For now, it can only create and use a Formula (so no Mark Stones or Catalysts), however you no longer need to create an "Upgrade" potion every time your stats increase. All of your formulas will be updated so you can continue to use them. Also, the requirements have changed - you will need COBL and Pluggy (basically I took the work I had done, generalized, and put it in COBL so others can use it).
Latest Version
- http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10147
- http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=OblivionMods.Detail&id=2610
- http://obse.silverlock.org/
- http://karamail.nerim.net/elys/Pluggy/
- http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=OblivionMods.Detail&id=3508 (you only need the main installation, "COBL Main.esm")
Skills above 100
If you'd like to benefit from 100+ skills, use one of the following mod/plugin combos
- http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3664
- http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=762321
- http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=762321 and http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13903
- http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=762321 and http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=16441 (http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=OblivionMods.Detail&id=4239)
- For future 100+ mods, please see their Readmes for compatibility information. In short, they should work with Alchemical Formulas, but the potions created with them may not be as intended (i.e., too weak or too strong).
Scripted Effect names
You need http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11666 to have unique script names. If you don't, the effect will still work, but will have a generic name ("Scripted Effect") and no visual effects (and, though it probably doesn't matter, will be of the Alteration school).
Rest of the Readme (better seen in the html file

=== Mini-FAQ
. 1. My game crashes while starting up.
+ Sounds like you're missing a master - Make sure you have the latest "COBL Main.esm" installed and activated.
. 2. I get a CTD when I use a formula and before the formula menu is opened.
+ Make sure you have OBSE v0014a (the .dll files should have a modified date of Feb. 12) and not OBSE v0014 (date of Jan. 18).
=== Beta
* While this is a Work In Progress, I will always make it backwards compatible, and you will never lose a Formula.
* This mod works and has been tested, but I haven't tried every possible recipe, place to make/use the formula, etc.
* The same goes for Pluggy (as of now) - it's had even more testing than this, but we still need people to play it for hours, on different machines, etc. to get it out of the Beta stage.
* If you notice anything that seems odd (can't open a formula, potion doesn't have the right strength, suddenly loses an effect, etc.) please drop by the [[#Discussion | Discussion thread]] or [[http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php | PM me (haama)]] and I'll try to fix it.
=== COBL
Alchemical Formulas actually does very little, while COBL does the major work. In particular, your formuals and the information required to use them are tied to COBL. So, **do not** de-activate COBL or make a clean save when upgrading - if you do, even for a single save, all of your formulas will become useless.
=== Scripted Effects
While everything has been designed to match the Alchemy menu output, scripted effects work a little differently - or, rather, they work the same as other effects

==== A few pecularities
* The scripted effect changes won't happen until you open the Formula.
* Potions made in the Alchemy menu will still follow the Vanilla rules. So your first potion will have different scripted effects. After you make a potion from the Formula, the first potion will be updated to follow the new rules and match the potions made by the Formula.
* The hostility (whether you can use the potion as a poison) of the potion effect will be the same as the ingredient's effect.
* The only exception is the vanilla Deadly Poison (Poisoned Apple effect) which will always be hostile.
* There's no real way to check the hostility of the effect beforehand - you'll have to use trial and error!
* There really aren't any (useful) scripted effects in Vanilla Oblivion, so this only applies to modded ingredients.
* As I don't (and can't) know the other modder's original intent this may have unintended consequences or slight incompatibilities. [[#Discussion | Feedback's the only way to change this...]]
* The effects are determined by something you can't really see - there are scripts attached to each effect. These scripts determine the effect, and so you need 2 of each script to make the potion effect (for those itching to know, you only need 1 of each scriptless effect). Common sense would dictate that each effect has a unique name, but as we're spending 100s of hours on a video game to never see a profit, we modders aren't exactly full of "common sense"

== Using the mod ===================================================================
=== Example video
You can find a video "tutorial" on using this mod at the [[#LatestVersion | download sites above]]. It's very easy, so it's more of a trailer than a tutorial, but everything should be clear from the video.
=== Writing the Formula
An Alchemist's Quill will automatically be added to your inventory shortly after you start the game. You'll find it in the Apparatus section of your inventory. Use it as any other apparatus - it will start up your Alchemy menu as normal, you can add ingredients and brew potions as normal, etc.. When you create a potion a menu will pop up asking if you want to create a formula. Select "Yes" to create the Formula, "No" if you don't want a Formula but might like a formula for the next potion, and "No, and no more for this session" if you don't want to write any more Formulas (until you close the Alchemy menu and use the Alchemist's Quill again).
=== Notes on the Formula
You'll find your Formulas in the scroll section of your inventory. They will have the same name as the potion they create. For instance, if a Formula makes a potion called "Mages Bane" the Formula scroll will also be named " Mages Bane" (they have a space before the name so they'll all be at the top). They will also have the same effects and strength of your (last brewed) potion. They also have a price tag that can get pretty high - I can't do anything about it as of now, so ignore at will

The Formula bypasses the Alchemy menu, but essentially works as if you'd used the Alchemy menu. You still need a Mortar and Pestle to brew a potion as well as 1 of each ingredient to create each potion. The potion's effects, strength, price, etc. will match those created through the Alchemy menu.
==== Master or Single-Ingredient Potions - Nope
*Jedi mind trick* You don't need a formula for these *Jedi mind trick*
==== Skills above 100
There are several mods that allow you to bypass the Oblivion skill cap of 100. Details of how the 4 current options (see [[Skills above 100 (see below for more information) | above]]) determine the strength of your potions:
. 1. Legandary Mastery - Every few levels you'll be given more powerful equipment. These will allow to create very powerful potions just above 100, but is limited to 160.
. 2. Elys' Skill Uncapper - Your potions will follow the same formula as pre-100, as if the cap was removed

. The following require Elys' Skill Uncapper, however they use a different formula for skill levels above 100 (in short, they can be much more powerful for most effects, are more affected by your equipment, and are based on Alchemy and Intelligence instead of Alchemy and Luck).
. 3. Nanite's Legandary Alchemy - Your Alchemy strength is automatically increased as your Alchemy and Intelligence level changes.
. 4. Grandmaster of Alchemy - Uses the same formulas as Nanite's, but also includes quests for more powerful equipment and other goodies.
=== Using the Formula
Click on a Formula to use it (you might note that they're enchanted scrolls - while not generally equippable I have ways around that *evil laugh*). A menu will pop up. This menu will let you choose how many potions to make. To help, there will be a list of the required ingredients, as well as how many you have, at the top of the menu. The options are a bit odd at first (especially if you're not looking at the menu), but is easy to figure out and the instructions are provided in the menu. Essentially you'll see a set of numbers and a "Brew xxx potion(s)" option. xxx is the number of potions you're set to create. To change it, select one of the numbers. Each time you select a number, the menu will come back up and xxx will change to the new number. The numbers are a limited range (essentially -10 to +10 from xxx), so you may have to select a number a couple of times to get the desired number of potions. When you have it set, select "Brew xxx potion(s)" to make the potions.
Again, everything has been set to match the vanilla Oblivion equations, so if you have an Alchemy skill of 5 and set it to brew 100 potions you'll get, let's say, 20 potions at skill level 5, 30 at 6, 35 at 7, and 15 at 8.
=== Lost and Found
If you've lost a Formula, you can easily get it back using COBL's Options menu.
. 1. Click on the COBL "+Options" item in your inventory. This will open a container.
. 2. Click on "RUE". This will open a menu.
. 3. Select "Lost and Found". This will open another container.
. 4. Take any Formulas you want from the container. Exit when you're done.
=== Known Oddities and Bugs
. 1. You won't be able to use static alchemy equipment with your Formulas (working on it). The strength of your potions is based on the equipment in your inventory ~~at the moment you open your formula~~ - so it should work with Bound Apparati type spells (most notably TTT's Legandary Mastery apparati).
. 2. The order of effects on the potion and scroll may change after your first use.
. 3. When you select a formula another scroll will seem to be selected. This is to prevent an accidental casting of the formula - placing the effects on yourself and losing it in the process. You don't need to worry about casting - it will be an empty, non-hostile scripted effect that won't do anything and you'll keep your formula.
. 4. You can't make a recipe for Master/Single-Ingredient Potions.
. 5. The formulas are actually stored with COBL. If you uninstall COBL, you will lose them. Upgrading is still fine. Just copy over the new "COBL Main.esm" file and continue playing - no need to make a clean save. And to hammer the point - **Don't make a clean save**.
== Versions ===================================================================
=== 0.91 [5/12/2008]
* Can now handle scripted effects (make sure to update COBL and Pluggy).
* Fixed a bug caused by removing SI and using a SI formula afterwards.
* Can now use recipes while on horseback (really a COBL fix, but still...)
=== 0.9 [4/13/2008]
* Major reorganization of the mod - almost brand new!
== Credits
. Many, many thanks to Elys for her hard work making Pluggy - this made the mod much easier to do, and brought it back into the realm of possibility.
. Thanks to the OBSE team for making modder's life easier and slathering on the functions nice and thick

. Thanks to all on the forum who've helped along the way - it's been a year in the making so assume I mean everyone