» Sat Oct 15, 2011 3:10 pm
oh and for the recepy's :
I found this page, it really helps:)
To get more powerfull potions here's some hints :
*the higher the quality of your apparatus the better your potion -> however their apearance seems to be level-dependant..
*the higher your alchemy skill, the better your potion -> this can be leveled easy.
a fast way to level your alchemy skill : theres food in abundance in most towns.. and many of it cas easely be stolen.. just do so.. most of it will respawn in 3 days.. so you can repeat as often as you want.
from this food you make potions.. don't care what just select any ingredient and make them..
you can just sell the potions after that to any innkeeper.
(you can also buy ingredients and sell the potions if you want too, as often potions sell for more than the ingredients cost you)