My AlchemistWerewolf playthrough is going swimmingly

Post » Sun May 18, 2014 10:05 am

No combat skills, only "rogue" skills. Though he is an abjurer (Alteration). He's trying to unlock the secrets of his "condition", which, thanks to Moonlight Tales (mod) he started off as a lycan. His main goal is to unlock the secrets/powers of his "disease", to master his control over his lycanthropy. Right now he is just an alchemist wondering the lands for possible remedies, though he is also practicing his craft in Alteration, altering the physical world around him. His only offensive abilities will be when he is in beast form, otherwise he only carries the best dagger he can find. Though his one-handed skill may increast, no perk points will be spent on the skill.

After adventuring for some time, he will hear whispers that there is a group of Companions in Skyrim that may be able to help him harness his abilities.

While its been a very "simple" start, I envision a grand epic where he uses his gift/curse to fight dragons, save the world, and uncover his true potential.

Alchemy (first and foremost)


Alteration (for added protection while in beast form, no armor + Mage Armor = greater bonus)

Sneak (he wants to avoid combat if possible)

Archery (he carries a crossbow for long range protection)

No crafting other than Alchemy. So no super smithed daggers or uber enchanted gear.

Race: Nord. I like to clear the playing field with Battle Cry if I have to transform into a werewolf.

The big challenge will of course be dragons, and mobs of undead, since they are not affected by werewolf abilities...I may have to plan my endeavors accordingly.

Right now it's been a lot of fun. Just starting the Thieves guild missions. I'm currently level 20. By level 50 I should be able to reach the armor cap with Iron Skin + Mage Armor 3 + Lord Stone.

I'm playing on Adept since I just get creamed when not in Beast Form. I may change this later if I find it to be less-than-challenging.

Any ideas or suggestions?

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 2:34 pm

I did something very similar to this awhile back, after Dawnguard came out but before Dragonborn. Breton instead of Nord, but the same basic idea: Alchemy as the main skill, with Alteration coming close second. Dagger (with 1H unperked) and Crossbow for offense, plus Beast Form when things get ....




It worked quite well. I don't think I played him much farther than lvl 25 or so, but it was viable. For dragons, you'll shoot them down with poisoned bolts and engage in Beast Form if needed. It is possible to deal with dragons entirely in Beast Form (at least on Adept), as long as they land occasionally (and most dragons do).

My guy wore the Hammerfell/Redguard outfit you can buy at Radiant Raiment, plus a Novice Hood. It was a good look.

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