This is a great mod, but I have a couple of issues.
I used the mod for a while, and it is very well done. However, after a few days of playing it, I can no longer make anything. When I bong up the alchemy menu it doesn't load any apparatus, and it says my alhemy is 24, when it's actually about 80.
Then, when I look at ingredients, i can't see any effects, which is keeping with the alchemy of 24.
However, after choosing my ingredient, as soon as I choose to select it, the game freezes, and so does my entire computer, so I think the mod is having problems with obse. My obse version is
can you offer any help?
Even a player with alchemy skill of zero should be able to see the first effect on each ingredient, so it seems you've encountered a bug. To say more (and fix it), I'm afraid I'll need more information:
- What exactly does the alchemy skill readout say, and what is your character's base alchemy skill and modified luck?
- What apparati do you have?
- When you mouse over an ingredient before selecting it, does an empty box appear where the effects would normally be, or no box at all?
- What's in the console output (press the ~ key after you open the alchemy menu)?
Also, it would help to have a list of other mods you're using - at least those that might have affected your attributes, your inventory, or the menu system. Thanks very much for reporting this.
Thanks as well to everyone who's tested, especially those of you who offer help with others questions. Assuming I can to the bottom of this and a few other bug reports, the final version is done. I just have to write a new readme file before posting it.