This is the second beta release. Not sure on proper forum etiquette here, so I created a new thread for it. Bug reports, feedback on balance issues and graphical layout, suggestions, and complaints are welcome.
I should explicitly credit the OBSE team (particularly scruggs) for their incredible work on v0017, and Haama, who
originated most of the ideas in this mod.
Recommended: Oblivion Mod Manager
Alchemy Advanced replaces the original alchemy menu and offers a set of new features and mechanics, including brewing in batches, flexible ingredient filtering, an integrated recipe system, masking of select ingredient effects, and customizable calculations of potion weight, cost, strength, and duration.
A brief list:
- a quantity slider for brewing batches of potions
- ingredient filters that can be edited in-game
- a new type of autofilter that looks for replacements for the current ingredient
- a new type of alchemal apparatus (the Refiner) for temporarily removing selected effects from ingredients.
- integrated saving and loading of recipes, and a new type of alchemocal apparatus (the Alchemist's Notebook) for storing saved recipes.
- a duration slider to specify the target duration of potion effects
- the ability to use potions and other recipes as ingredients in the current recipe
- customizable calculation of potion weight and gold value
- customizable calculation potion effect strengths
See the Features document packaged with the mod for a complete list of new features and instructions on their use and customization.
Alchemy Advanced should be compatible with almost every other mod, including those that add additional alchemical ingredients or potions. In particular, it is known to be compatible with:
- Elys's Skill Uncapper; A fantastic mod and highly recommended
- Waldo's Grandmaster of Alchemy; another fantastic mod, also highly recommended
- DarNifiedUI, BTmod, and others that alter .xml files, provided Alchemy Advanced is installed last.
NOTE: A UI mod that reduces font size is recommended to increase the readability of the menu.
There have been some reports of "strange behavior" when used in conjunction with Static Alchemy (a resource used in, among other mods, Summonable Private Quarters). Any reports on exactly what this behavior is and how to reproduce it would be appreciated.
As of this release, there are no mods explicity known to be incompatible with Alchemy Advanced.
Known Issues or Bugs
- Due to limitations in tracking the cursor position, vertical and horizontal scroll bars on the alchemy menu will not respond to click & drag anymore - use the mouse scroll wheel or click the scroll arrows instead.
- Due to limitations in determining what menu tile has keyboard focus, keyboard navigation has been disabled in the alchemy menu: the arrow keys will no longer jump between buttons.
- Due to the increased size of alchemy.xml, the alchemy menu will take noticeably longer to load, particularly just after Oblivion is restarted. This and other performance issues may be addressed in the final release (I can't guarantee a solution).
0.2, 2009/06/18 - Initial beta release. more to come.
0.3, 2009/07/01 - Second beta release:
- Default effect strength and potion cost heavily tweaked for balance.
- Changed default status text font to fix problems with the menu being unreadable for players
without a font changing mod.
- Recipes may now only require positive quantities of ingredients (sidesteps a number of issues)
- Rewrote scrollbar xml files; moves scroll bar processing out of scripts and fixes exploit where
clicking on scrollbar re-eneabled the create button.
- The "potions made" stat is now updated properly, allows compatibility with Oblivion XP (among
other things)
- ingredients flagged as quest items no longer appear in the ingredient selection submenu.
- menu layout expanded and re-arranged to provide more space
- fixed bugs with the handling of actor value parameters in the autofilters
- implemented an option to use vanilla Oblivion effect strengths rather than the custom equations
- added a 'duration' attribute to recipes to allow players to select the duration of the recipe effects
- added an option to reset/automate the ingredient filter every time the selection submenu is opened.
allows an exact reproduction of vanilla filtering behavior
- implemented a settings submenu for in-game customization of mod parameters
- Bethesda Softworks, whose game has svcked up far, far too much of my free time
- scruggsywuggsy the ferret and the rest of the OBSE team for (repeatedly) managing the impossible
- Haama, from whose mods most of the 'original' ideas here were bloodily ripped off
- All those who helped debug the first beta release by reporting the issues they encountered.