Unfortunately, none of the things you're describing are the actual problem - they're just side effects of the Oblivion script engine going wonky after it hit an error. I've had several reports of bizarre behavior like this, and finding the actual error generally proves very difficult.
If you'd like to help with a little debugging, send me a PM and I'll give you some instructions on how to download a console logging mod and turn on AA's debugging output.
If you'd rather go for a quick and dirty fix, you might try the procedure below. Caveats: This will erase any stored recipes your character has. Also, without knowing the original cause of the problem, I can't promise that this will work. And if it does, I can't guarantee the problem won't come back. Sorry!
- Open the console in-game (~ key).
- Type the following: 'set RshAlchQuestAlchemy.INITIALIZED to 0'
- Close the console and all menus and run around in the game world for at least 15 seconds while the initialization quest reboots.
- Open the alchemy menu and see if everything is back to normal
Sorry, already kinda disabled it then enabled it through switching the esp on and off, but if it happens again I'll create a seperate save. (I only really save with quicksave/autosave