I've just started using this absolutely great mod and was wondering about a really minor inconvenience. I'm using DarkUI'd DarN with normal font sizes but the alchemy advanced menu seems to use vanilla fonts (which are bigger than DarkUI's fonts) Is there anything I could change to make the advanced menu a bit more in-line with the other UI elements?
Thanks for the mod all the same

You're welcome

The readme has instructions on how to install using menu textures and fonts that mesh well with DarkUI, DarNified UI, and any combination thereof. If you're using OBMM it should be even easier, since the omod package has an installation script that will handle the details.
I have a feature request if it's at all viable for a future version. It would be nice to see the magnitude and duration of effects on input potions from within the ingredient list - without having to quit out to the inventory to check. I'm noticing, at low levels at least, that often potions used as input ingredients are as good if not better than the resulting output potion - but it's hard to tell without taking notes before going into the alchemy menu in the first place.
This is an excellent suggestion, and I wish I'd though of it a year ago. At this point, I am no longer actively developing Alchemy Advanced, so I'm afraid new features won't come from me.
I hope to eventually work on a second version of this project, but it will be a
long time before I have the chance. Sorry