Trying to get the hang of alchemy i checked the wiki i just want to know some tips on when to use it and on what also what ingredients and potions will be most useful. Thanks!
This is a list of ingredients and what effects they have. I would suggest grabbing everything you can as you wander around, anything that is an alchemy ingredient, snag it!
After you get a collection going you can use the link I gave to fill out all the effects, and then just make whatever potions you need.
Potions to stock up on
Health - Stamina - Magic
Fortify One Handed/Two Handed or Archery.
Resist frost, fire, shock
(Poison) Weakness to Fire, shock or frost based on what you use/what you have you weapon enchanted with
Damage Stamina and Magic over time, for warrior and mage type enemies ( Something like does 10 stamina damage over 10 seconds. )
Slow and Paralyze
Sneak or invisibility.
And fortify enchanting and smithing.
Alchemy can take some time but is very powerful, and dont forget you can poison arrows!