- CATCH! It would be great to have the ability to throw potions! Imagine a fire damage potion that you could then lob like a Molotov Cocktail? Or toss a vile of poison, and watch enemies collapse as they breathe in the deadly fumes!
- NINJA! Stealth players could even make sleeping gas or smoke bombs for a safe getaway!
- ACID... Don't want to play the lock-pick mini-game? Pour one of these into the keyhole.
- BOOM! Brew up a few exploding potions and combine them with your arrows! Or just chuck 'em like grenades. Put that physics engine through it's paces!
- NASTY... Need to assassinate someone for the Dark Brotherhood? Break into their pantry and add poison to their favorite wine!
I hope Bethesda is listening!
NOTE: You can have a load of spells and a ton of magicka and still want to throw potions. Because, in certain ways, a thrown potion would actually be better than spell casting. I'll tell you why.... Area effect plus extended duration gets very very expensive (both in gold to create and magicka to cast) with spells! With a thrown potion, you get a decent amount of area effect and duration FOR FREE!