Why do you need to make potions that cost more than a $100? The price of the potion has nothing to do with how much experience you get making it.
That's not what I heard and that's not what is said in the strategy guide.
It has to do with the complexity of the ingredients, the duration and the magnitude.
Okay but you would think the complexity ones would result in a higher value (in terms of cost) potion. Right? Thus giving you more XP according to the strategy guide.
While he does not have the site set up yet for Skyrim, most of the ingredients and combos are the same for Oblivion, so this will help
Yeah i got all the info i need on ingredients with the strategy guide. I guess which of the types of potions are valued higher?
- Restore Health
- Restore Magicka
- Restore Stamina
- Regenerate Health
- Regenerate Magicka
- Regenerate Stamina
- Resist Poison
- Resist Magic
- Resist Fire
- Resist Frost
- Resist Shock
- Weakness to Poison
- Weakness to Magic
- Weakness to Fire
- Weakness to Frost
- Weakness to Shock
- Damage Health
- Damage Magicka
- Damage Stamina
- Ravage Health
- Ravage Magicka
- Ravage Stamina
- Lingering Damage Health
- Lingering Damage Magicka
- Lingering Damage Stamina
- Damage Health Regeneration
- Damage Magicka Regeneration
- Damage Stamina Regeneration
- Paralysis
- Slow
- Fear
- Frenzy
- Fortify Health
- Fortify Magicka
- Fortify Stamina
- Fortify Alteration
- Fortify Destruction
- Fortify Illusion
- Fortify Conjuration
- Fortify Restoration
- Fortify Block
- Fortify One-Hand
- Fortify Two-Hand
- Fortify Marksmen
- Fortify Heavy Armor
- Fortify Light Armor
- Fortify Enchanting
- Fortify Smithing
- Fortify Pickpocket
- Fortify Sneak
- Fortify Lockpicking
- Fortify Speechcraft
- Fortify Carry Weight
- Fortify Barter
- Waterbreathing
- Invisibility
- Cure Disease
That's all the possible potions now which ones would be worth more as solo potions and which combinations that you know of are worth a lot?
Obviously Restore Health is not as good as Invisibility but the ingredients for Invis. are sorta hard to come by. Looking for a good brew that is higher in value but yet easy for me to find the ingredients so I can start power leveling this [censored] to 100.