Alchemy Question

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:52 pm

So I've noticed that if I make a potion with both positive and negative effects that is it listed as a potion. Is there some sort of rule governing this?

For example if I were to make a potion that damaged health 2pts for 6 seconds and damaged fatigue 4 pts for 8s and restored fatigue 6 pts for 10 seconds would that be considered a poison or potion by the game?

The reason I am curious about this is, is it possible to add other effects to a potion containing poison apple and chokeberry ( which on their own make a potion (which kills you)) and they resulting concoction would be classed as a poison? Thereby it can be placed on a weapon. I was thinking of using Harrada, and Rot Scale (from Shiv Isle) which combined have the following effect, Damage Health, Silence, Paralyze

Thanks in advance for any help :)
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Glu Glu
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:54 pm

Any Alchemical result with a positive effect is considered a potion. And so it cannot be applied to a weapon.

That might seem limiting, but it's an improvement over Morrowind, which did not have poisons at all.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:16 am

generally too, if there is a certain type of poison you are trying to make, you can probably find the right series of ingredients and avoid the positive effect - but that may be dependent on how many effects your skill level will currently reveal. In the pinned topics, above, I believe there is a link to an alchemy calculator, and that may help you find the ingredients you need to make the poisons you want. :)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:48 pm

Combining ingredients that have only negative effects in common creates a poison. Note that if combined ingredients have at least one positive effect in common, the effect is a "spoiled potion" (one with both positive and negative effects), not a poison, and can't be applied to a weapon. This may cause poisons that are possible to make at lower levels become unavailable at higher levels, as positive effects of ingredients get unlocked.

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:06 pm

Any Alchemical result with a positive effect is considered a potion. And so it cannot be applied to a weapon.

That might seem limiting, but it's an improvement over Morrowind, which did not have poisons at all.

Hmm that's unfortunate. Thanks for the answer.

generally too, if there is a certain type of poison you are trying to make, you can probably find the right series of ingredients and avoid the positive effect - but that may be dependent on how many effects your skill level will currently reveal. In the pinned topics, above, I believe there is a link to an alchemy calculator, and that may help you find the ingredients you need to make the poisons you want. :)

The potion I had in mine was involving poison apples and chokeberries, as that would be stronger then any conventional poison. Thanks for the input all the same.
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