I don't got much to add but I would like to mention every item in your inventory will be a 3D model now and you can fully preview it and inspect it. Instead of relegating players to looking at an item’s name and stat attributes, each possession is a tangible three dimensional item with its own unique qualities. Thousands of items are fully rendered, and players can zoom in on or rotate each one. You can even get an up close view of the flowers and roots you pick for alchemy. “It becomes an interesting time sink,” Todd Howard explains. “You can look at and explore every single thing you pick up.” You can twist, turn, rotate, zoom in and out on every item from all possible angles. At 3:06 (http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o126/Windurin/SkyrimConceptArt3.jpg)in the http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2011/01/10/video-behind-the-scenes-of-skyrim.aspx video you can see how detailed they go with the items. Even the different chunks of meat you loot from the creatures you've killed have their own individual unique 3D models and looks. Sometimes while inspecting certain 3D items such as magic relics you will discover something about them at a certain spot on them. Some quests will involve puzzle solving on the quest items which will require you to inspect the items for clues in order to progress and have your log updated. Even the in-game books and documents can be read in 3D rather than flat text windows that pop-up on screen.
This is a nice addition for Alchemy ingredients in your inventory.
Also worth a mention possibly is the overhauled foliage system. Bethesda new creation engine allows their artists to build whatever kind of trees they want and even dictate how they animate. By altering the weight of the branches they can adjust how much they move in the wind for example.
I'm sure this will play into other plantlife such as the plants you collect for alchemy. Just thought it was worth a mention.
That sounds really great for the immersion factor. Imagine how you might discover special effects of ingredients, by studying that way, as a kind of anolysis/destillation process. I'd like to see that in game!
Heres my take. I have been replaying oblivion the last few days and here are some of my thoughts on OB alchemy:
First, I think the that there should be a greater variety of useful potions. Honestly, I usually dont use the fortifies (except maybe personality, merchantile, etc), resists, or shields. I mainly use sorcery, health, and poisons. Now perhaps it is that I am not using alchemy to its fullest potential, but really I only make other potions to level and then sell (and the potions that you make usually arent worth a continental dollar). I would like to see some potions that you use by other means than just drinking or coating a weapon. How about a flask, when thrown on the ground, creates a fire, ice, fog, smoke, or root effect to help you elude your enemies. Or throw a flask right on a person to freeze them solid or make them burst into flames. To follow up with that, the magic system has redundant and useless spells that also need to go. When in the world are you gonna use drain mercantile? You cant use it on merchants because it makes them attack you. Pretty much all of the drains except health, fatigue, or magic are useless.
On another note, I would be surprised if there was a special animation for alchemy at the lab benches (unless its already confirmed) because NV had benches, and all it had was a menu screen to create the stuff. Moreover, does it really matter if alchemy is stealth or not? As long as we can do all three BS, EN, and AL but specialize in one, Ill be content.
Throwing potions have been like the thing that everyone has wanted from Alchemy in Oblivion and such effects would be great. Digging into Alchemy always proved worth in both Morrowind and Oblivion. You are able to make potions with up to 5 positive effects that include all of the above that you mentioned and more. The basic selling and simple potion creation has always been a good way to get your cashflow going. But the real power comes, when you delve deeper, as with almost anything else

Hi Darliandor!
That little snap of the new alchemy creation process does look interesting and I think it will be even more interesting to transfer that same process to a web page.
I'd also like to thank you for making both of your previous labs which have saved me a lot of time and kept me from going insane

Yes and thank you. I just hope the ingame interface will not make it too simple, so that you still will have to keep track of what items you combine in which way, and not let the interface make it all for you.