I'm slightly confused by it. I think I really like the idea, but there's something that I'm not sure about. We've been told that all ingredients have 4 effects, and we know that there's an Alchemy perk for revealing 2 effects instead of just 1 when you eat an ingredient for the first time. So how do we reveal all 4 effects? Do we have to eat the same ingredient 4 times (or twice if we have the "2 effects revealed" perk)? That would seem a bit odd, and would render the "2 effects revealed" perk pretty redundant, so I'm assuming there must be another way to reveal all 4 effects, but I can't think what that way might be.
Let's say you've got that "2 effects revealed" perk and you eat an ingredient, so you reveal 2 of 4 effects of that ingredient. You will still need to experiment and mix that ingredient with other ingredients in order to find the other 2 effects. So if you mix PLANT A with PLANT B and those 2 ingredients have 2 similar/same effects you'll reveal 1 or 2 effects from PLANT A or B. It's pretty confusing yeah but that's what I think.
I really like the sound of this :biggrin: but couldn't we use the oblivion ingredients guides to work out what does what? because surely they have to be similar
Well we already know there's Nirnroot in Skyrim as well, in http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110919124546/elderscrolls/images/8/81/Nirnroot.png pic Todd has Nirnroot in his inventory and he hadn't discovered any of it's effects. We will certainly have new ingredients in Skyrim, it's a different region and it's climate is way more different than Oblivion. We'll just have to see