Alcohol and Bars

Post » Mon Jul 11, 2011 4:09 pm

I recently turned 21 and was able to enter the liquer store. What I found was rows and rows of awesome lloking alcohol with many different colors shapes and sizes. It was honestly beautiful spectacle to behold especially for those of us who like glass bottles and liquids.

I think there should be much more emphasis on alcoghol in tes. Every single culture i the world loves the stuff and just about everybody takes part in it. If there was a more unique system i believe people would really enjoy the aspect in the tes.

Now, for alcohol itself. I think there should be a great variety of alcohols with many different unique skins for them. Not just a bottle that has some random name attached to it. I would like to go in and see an amazing variety and would love to test them out. Second, since it is a magic universe a few glowing brews or ones with innate magical properties would be availible i.e. atronach's lava a red glowing brew that gives fire resistance and has other effects.

I believe alcohols should have varying effects some benefits some negatives and they would have to be somewhat significant even if it might not make sense for alcohol to raise speed or something it would be needed so that any person could find a use for them even if they are not alcohol connisours.

A few beverages should definitally add a swaying vision, or at least something that would cause things to glow kindoff how light gets spread when viewed through a mist or without glasses. The glow and a little color saturation would be my preffered vision change because boucing can get annoying, maybe hard liquers and bber could change between a few effects.

Finally, taverns. Taverns are fairly boring in tes especially since you cant really drink and mingle with people. I would propse a system where you can equip glasses, mugs, shot glasses, etc in one and and simply use the attack button to drink. Eash alcohol will have its own color and proper glass which you could get at any bar or you could bring your favorite mug you found spelunking. Then as you take drinks and s it around npcs will randomly talk to you and you can talk to them. It will be more open than time freezing as someone comes up instead you would simply press a button while conversation is going on to voice your word. As you get drunker more people will talk etc. Now some people will have good information. Places to loot, quests to give, dark secrets, romances, and friendships. I think this would make drinking a lot funner as well as taverns.

How about a bih mead hall where u pay to get in and can dunk your mug into a big batch of golden mead

Does this sound fun? What other ideas do you have or would like to see so that drinking and bars become more immersive and fun?
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CRuzIta LUVz grlz
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Post » Mon Jul 11, 2011 5:08 pm

Sounds like a drinking sim, lol. But I hear what you're saying. I like Morrowind's alcoholic selection, but I agree there could be a little more "interactivity" with drinking.
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Post » Mon Jul 11, 2011 2:04 pm

Well, I wouldn't mind something like this :foodndrink:. But, it's not something that I'd request, either...
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Anthony Rand
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Post » Mon Jul 11, 2011 7:21 am

Sounds like a drinking sim, lol. But I hear what you're saying. I like Morrowind's alcoholic selection, but I agree there could be a little more "interactivity" with drinking.

Yah it kid of does and i agree about morrowinds selection. I would just like to see a bigger variety of liquers and beers so i can test them all out and roleplay a little bit. The tavern thing is to make them alittle bit more fun and realistic its not the biggest thing for me either.

What kind of alcohols can you think of?

Maybe and lightly glowing blue liquer made from nirnroot that gives some serious enchantments. It would come in a small clear vial or a dark blue vial

Also it would be interesting to be able to have a drink with people obviously a disposition raise and possibly getting better info from them ormaking companions out of them. Hell, skooma buddies would be sweet too
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Post » Mon Jul 11, 2011 2:45 pm

I love my various bottle shape, sizes, and colors. I want ALOT of various alcohols to give bars a nice feel.

p.s. im not a drinker, and dont recomend it either...... at least, not drinking until your drunk.
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Post » Mon Jul 11, 2011 6:17 pm

Bar fights comfirmed. They say its the journey that's important and not the destination, but they never said anything about the transportation. :P

But ya, if they can add more unique clutter that happens to have the ability to get my Nord a little roudy then by all means I'd like it.
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Post » Mon Jul 11, 2011 6:30 pm

YES! haha features like this would only help the game seem even bigger and more detailed so i'm all for it.
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Rachel Briere
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Post » Mon Jul 11, 2011 6:56 pm

What about a dark liquer similar to jager with some wolf-blood that made u resistant to cold and increased strength and perception it could be called Wolf's Blood

Maybe some lore dealing with the rarer alcohols just to give them some backstories. The ones with special ingfredients and buffs. We dont need to know where a bottle of taproot beer came from
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Riky Carrasco
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Post » Mon Jul 11, 2011 7:08 am

apparentley there is ROTGUT or some form of it in the game that only the nords of skyrim can make and "handle"
and I am very excited for the bar fights
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Post » Mon Jul 11, 2011 7:11 am

apparentley there is ROTGUT or some form of it in the game that only the nords of skyrim can make and "handle"
and I am very excited for the bar fights

Yah bar fights would be sick and even more reason to actually be able to get trashed and i'm digging the idea of cultural brews that is the type of thing id like to see. Obviously we would have some fine imports like sujamma and cyrodiil brandy for a high price
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Tracey Duncan
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Post » Mon Jul 11, 2011 5:08 am

I would love to drunkenly stumble out of a bar after midnight into a blizzard. I would travel through the icy wilderness and pick a fight with a dragon and taunt it's corpse as a down another bottle of moonshine and smoke my moon-sugar.

I want blurry vision, eventual wobble in my movement, perhaps even falling down and throwing up after too much.

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Post » Mon Jul 11, 2011 5:13 pm

I would love to drunkenly stumble out of a bar after midnight into a blizzard. I would travel through the icy wilderness and pick a fight with a dragon and taunt it's corpse as a down another bottle of moonshine and smoke my moon-sugar.

I want blurry vision, eventual wobble in my movement, perhaps even falling down and throwing up after too much.


Yessir, i'd definitaly rp a drinking nord and props to you fellow moonsugarer
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Alberto Aguilera
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Post » Mon Jul 11, 2011 5:18 pm

I want guards to arrest me for riding under the influence.
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Post » Mon Jul 11, 2011 3:09 pm

I liked about Oblivion's liquor selection that it focused on certain beverages, but included many different types depending on region or producer. I don't really need a big selection of liquors, but it would be cool if every region (or even every town and village) had its own beers, wines and meads that get served there (as in, you won't get a Riften lager in Solitude and vice versa).
The bottles should all be unique, though, I agree with that.

Drinking in taverns is a difficult topic. I never did it in other RPGs, and I think many people didn't either, because there was no purpose, and nothing special happened. I think it would be cool if they added some sort of a social pressure to drink something when you're in a tavern. For example, they said that taverns will be more important for getting quests than in previous games. They will be the place to be for getting information and all that. So what if the NPCs you were meeting there sort of expected you to join them for a beer or two? They could simply start the conversation by saying "You might be able to help me out... but first things first, let me buy you something to drink, what do you want?" (Other NPCs will of course expect you to buy something yourself.)
So that basically most of the time you go to a tavern to get information, you'll end up drinking there as well.

I like the ideas in the OP as well, but I think that the "mingling" is a bit difficult to implement. They'd need a lot of interesting stuff resulting from it, and probably it won't be enough to keep you interested in drinking in a tavern just for fun.
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Post » Mon Jul 11, 2011 11:12 am

It was honestly beautiful spectacle to behold especially for those of us who like glass bottles and liquids.

hehe, I too like glass bottles and liquids.
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Claudia Cook
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Post » Mon Jul 11, 2011 12:29 pm

Yet another tenuous reason to say how wonderful it would be if you could go into a bar in Skyrim, and buy 'a pint of the black stuff'. Stout and porter, please. Has no one at BGS ever drank a pint of Guinness?
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Jonathan Windmon
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Post » Mon Jul 11, 2011 12:29 pm

Anyone have any ideas on how to make alcohol more interesting or any ideas of some good types of alcohol? Basically just make some of your own and their effects
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Chrissie Pillinger
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Post » Mon Jul 11, 2011 5:38 pm

I think there should be much more emphasis on alcoghol in tes. Every single culture in the world loves the stuff and just about everybody takes part in it..

I'm afraid that is not so true some parts prefer not to drink or even prefer opiates.
So to reflect that they need more emphasis on skooma!
All world races do smoke tho, how about some good ol smokin or has that become a hate word? That's right kids don't smoke! But do drink and have bar fights remember it's in tes it's ok oh and it's not lethal too! the game at least...

Any variety is welcome gives me more stuff to pointlessly acrew and decorate my house with which is the main goal of tes after all!!
Ps op go easy lol
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Post » Mon Jul 11, 2011 1:16 pm

Yet another tenuous reason to say how wonderful it would be if you could go into a bar in Skyrim, and buy 'a pint of the black stuff'. Stout and porter, please. Has no one at BGS ever drank a pint of Guinness?

No they prefer there drinks not to have been mistakenly burnt then claimed to have meant to be like it lol :P
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Post » Mon Jul 11, 2011 6:24 pm

I like diversity in the little things, like book covers, food items, bottles etc, so I like that idea. It really breaks immersion for me when the same textures and meshes show up everywhere you go.

Bottles would be a pretty easy mod - lots of different shapes, colors, labels. The other stuff would be considerably more difficult.
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Kill Bill
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Post » Mon Jul 11, 2011 11:53 am

I'm afraid that is not so true some parts prefer not to drink or even prefer opiates.
So to reflect that they need more emphasis on skooma!
All world races do smoke tho, how about some good ol smokin or has that become a hate word? That's right kids don't smoke! But do drink and have bar fights remember it's in tes it's ok oh and it's not lethal too! the game at least...

Any variety is welcome gives me more stuff to pointlessly acrew and decorate my house with which is the main goal of tes after all!!
Ps op go easy lol

Yah i had a thread about how skooma and stuff should be a bigger part as well because again every culture does some type of drug and most people have at least partaken in some. I'd like there to be some visual effects when smoked and the ability to use pipes and stuff plus some cool wooden and glass pipes to buy. And seriously alcohol is much more dangerous than pot ever will be
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Dustin Brown
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Post » Mon Jul 11, 2011 9:38 am

I want bottles to be usable weapons in tavern fights.
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