Ald Daedroth Ordinators and cultists

Post » Mon Apr 04, 2016 1:00 am

I am trying to fix the Ald Daedroth cultists and Ordinators so that they reliably fight each other (if you leave the cell and then return, they'll ignore each other). It's easy enough to fix their scripts to reset the various "doonce" variables on cell change, but the two cultists and Ordinators outside the ruin are giving me trouble.

Firstly, I've never seen Fieryra fight the Ordinators. Looking at her script, she'll only engage in combat once she's close enough; she has several different AI packages (I thought that didn't work in Morrowind?) that seem to move her from her editor location, but once she finishes her initial travel package, she just stands there. Could someone who knows more about how AI packages work in Morrowind explain what's happening here? My best guess is that the AI list is set up incorrectly, and she'll never fight unless by happenstance one of the Ordinators wanders near her.

Secondly, Bethes Sarothil seems to have been intended to patrol the exterior, but obviously he's not -- I didn't even know there was a second Ordinator in the exterior. Once again, is it a matter of his AI being set up incorrectly?

Of course, as the player approaches the island, they seem to cross multiple cell borders, and it's possible that this causes problems for the intended patrols.
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Pat RiMsey
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