ooc- I noticed that when I was typing it, too, Gilboron.

Also, don't know if you meant to give my dunmer a full-blown epiphany like this, but it just sort of happened, and I had fun with it.

Raves caught sight of more silver discs materializing, heading for them, and his knees buckled. He fell to his knees on nothingness; he couldn't breathe... couldn't do much of anything as the insidious objects zoomed closer. He was going to die here.
He'd never before been forced to come to terms with his own mortality... not like this anyway. He was young. He was clever. He was resourceful. He wasn't
supposed to have to worry about it. Sure, he'd gotten into the occasional scraqe with the guard, and there had been that little incident in the Telvanni District four years back... but it had all been easy cherries. He'd coasted through his occasional rough spots, living on adrenaline and never really considering that there could be consequences deeper than a couple nights spent in jail. Any insinuations to the contrary by peers had always been turned aside by a casual jest.
But there was no joke in this. What was he supposed to do against someone who had complete control over their lives?
He couldn't breathe, and his head spun from lack of air. And from fear.
He was afraid.
Strangely enough, that realization made him stop hyperventilating. He was afraid. In fact, he was terrified. He was going to die, and that terrified him. No bravado... no sarcastic remarks. For the first time in his life, he looked at himself and realized that he was a weak, insecure little thing, capable of failure. Under all the flashy showyness, and all the apparent self-confidence, he was afraid of a great many things. He was afraid of being helpless. He was afraid of being caught unprepared. He was afraid of not being good enough in the eyes of his parents. He was afraid of returning home because he knew he would be. He was afraid of showing vulnerability to others, because he was afraid of rejection. He was afraid, and always had been.
And that was okay, because it was part of who he was.
He took a deep, slow breath, his dizzyness subsiding. He was still on his knees, but he was no longer paralyzed. He was afraid of dying, and there was nothing he could do to stave it off... but that didn't mean he had to make it easy for Vaermina. Because, even if he was helpless, that didn't mean he couldn't have hope. The thought was cheesy, true, but it gave him heart.
With resolution written all over his face, he looked up from where he knelt, intent to dodge the incoming discs. However, his revelations, however brief, had taken too long. The discs were on them, and he had no time to react.