true, true, they probably won't... but the problem with us creative folks, or me at the very least, is that once you have an original idea on what to do, any additional improvising or any other changes to the original is, how do i put this, less than welcome unless i find a reasonable excuse to accept those changes. see, the intent was, in a way, to take what is given, and blow it up so to give us a bigger, brighter, more detailed picture of what is happening with the invasion... lol, i guess that's a job for the developers, not me... ok, well, at the very least, a story where this intent is implemented, to an extent that i'll find satisfactory.
example being the forementioned Telvanni. containing the gates is a job for wizards 'cause of the spells and all, so i figure it'd be logical and alright to fetch a Telvanni, them being mages and all, and put him or her in the middle of that fight, like, with the role of keeping the gate sealed with a spell of some sort that at the very least keeps the invading swarms from crossing through the gate if not a spell that closes the gate completely. but since Telvanni are so egotistic and the more altruistic one is not that likely to join as it was already said, the wizard-gate scheme fall to shambles

or at the very least, takes a major set back 'cause now a new wizard from elsewhere needs to be found and it needs to be logical and moderately accurate for the world. Morrowind's mages guilds do not strike me as a place where wizards with such capabilities could be found.. that leaves a scarce if not severely limited cache of wizards to use. i mean, who else is fitting for such a task aside from making up a fake secret society of capable wizards or pulling in the other, well known wizards, into this? a minor stumbling block in a way of making progress with the wizard-gate thing, right? well, it looks more like a huge obstacle when more obviously likely candidates are not fitting for the task.
another thing is, where is the limit of how likely or unlikely a certain scenario, or perhaps a beat up and overdone cliche, is to happen in the world of Tamriel, especially in regard to this invasion and especially since it was such a disaster for Morrowind and a trumping success for the invading force?