» Tue May 17, 2011 5:47 am
I was originally just going to tweak a few things here and there, but I found myself displeased with a lot of the work I did 2-3 years ago, so I ended up changing a lot of things I didn't plan to. In other words, I have something new to show you for once.
The banner poles will probably be lowered a bit; they seem to be a bit too tall at the moment. You can't see all the changes in this screenshot, but it shows most of what is important, I think.
I was never really happy with how they looked originally. I consider this a major improvement. (Guars will be added later.)
Nothing major here. Replaced the lanterns with paper lanterns, added a temple banner, added some new rocks etc.
The main wall always seemed so empty from the inside. Since I removed the old bench area in favour of the guar stables, I added a new one here. May add some banners later, but I am not entirely sure what I want to do here yet.
I always wanted to add stairs to this entrance, but I was never able to find a suitable stair piece to use. I finally found one - don't ask me why I never found it before - and I am quite pleased with the result.
I can also add that I have removed all the slope-walls, since they really didn't look very good when matched up with the main wall. In addition, the wall is now a bit taller, since it almost looked like a fence from some sides before. There have also been a number of other minor changes, but I see no reason to talk about them, unless you are very interested in hearing about windows being moved a couple of inches and such.