I am so glad to see you're still working on this. I am sorry I cannot volunteer to test, but I am cheering you on from the stands. :woot:
Thats okay

Your cheering is much appreciated =D
Oh, I thought you had enough testers for this. Well I started taking a look and it looks really good. Like I already said, I love the clutter. It looks very real.
Even if it's in in progress, I didn't find much problems at all.
- I did get a problem while using Max's Windows Glow. There's a warning about a reference to an object not being found.
- Two windows (singles windows, not the trios) in the #2 interior cell, one when you enter at the front desk, right door I think, then upstairs, the other right in the front desk section, had some minor clipping with the wall. Just buried a little too deeply in the wall and part of the glass section is cut off.
- Probably's gonna get changed, but lots of banners say "Dunmer Temple" instead of "Ald-ruhn Temple".
- Not a bug, but probably the only thing that bugged me. Maybe put one or two skin screens near the entrance in the pilgrims' lodging, like the one near the ladder, so it looks like people have a little more privacy. Kinda felt bad for the guy when I walked in on him half-dressed.
I still need to look at the rest. I just had a few minutes. I'll post more later cause I have to go.
Actually, even though quite a lot of people have said that they would test this, I have yet to receive any testing reports

And thanks =)
Max Windows Glow problem:
Could you post the warning? It can be found in the "Warnings" txt file in your Morrowind folder.
I have already addressed this issue, but thanks for reporting it anyways =)
Actually, I didn't think of changing them. That is a good suggestion though!
Skin Screens:
Hmm, I will look into it
Thanks for your report!