What about the Inn of Whispering Wood?
I can see it conflicts with Lokken, but is it compatible with Ald-Vendras 3.0?
Short answer, Ninnghizhidda, is I don't know but I think it may be compatible, just from looking at the conflict maps. Though I vaguely almost-recall something from sometime back that also suggests perhaps not. [Sorry so vague; I elected for
Lokken and so excluded the
First, let's get this back up where some quest mod
guru on the North American afternoon shift can provide a less ambiguous answer. Nerra might know or others.
You might also check Faceless_Wanderer's http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=62649&hl=partial thread.
Also available in updated form on Galahaut's Wiki; link in my sig.
Failing all that, a PM to Centurion would probably get you an informed answer.