I like how he cried like a wussy after i killed him
To be honest he does look rather badass.
I like how he cried like a wussy after i killed him
To be honest he does look rather badass.
Your entitled serpent died a pitiful death and wasn't worth the breath of my shouts. most underwhelming TES story boss EVER
He was the only black dragon left period. There is only one red dragon left unless Tiber's dragon came back to life as well.
Meh. Didn't put up much of a fight.
I'd expected the world-eater would have more shouts at his disposal...
Who needs more shouts when you can literally rain hell down upon your foes?
Alduin cannot be truly slain. He is utterly indestructible to the point where even the Daedra fear him. And when he returns yet again, the faithful will be rewarded in the next kalpa if need be.
The joke's on you, mortal.
Werid Alduin!
Faithful? you lord was forgotten, tossed aside. through the millenia son of Akatosh and yet his name bowed to the sands of time with a whimper our 16 and 1 Principalities have persevered through the ages with little effort, while your master fell to mortal tongue.
you grasp to a lost name ice Lich, return to your crypt and remain forgotten
Dear Alduin,
Thank you for curing my fear of dragons and showing me that not all big black dragons are tough.
Your vanquisher,
The only appreciation I have of Alduin is knowing my wife Lydia's going to be very excited to start her own designer line of dragonskin handbags. She's going to name the line "Dovahkiin" and sell them for 5000g a pop.
You obviously don't remember Mankor Cameron.
[Vehk] it, just once I'd like a TES boss that didn't run away to a pocket realm or the heart of a volcano and act like he's the bigger man/dragon for it.
The Daedra shiver in fear at the mere mention of Alduin, World Eater. Ask ol' prideful Dagon how it felt losing all his authority over Tamriel while being digested in Alduin's warm belly. Mention his holy name to the clown, Peryite - Dragon impostor - and see him shrivel like a dead leaf. For all the pride of your principalities, they dare not even utter Alduin's name once! For fear Alduin will leave Sovngarde to directly feast on the realm of whom foolish enough to issue challenge.
My master fell to his traitorous, arrogant, misguided child whom is Dragonborn, mortal son of Alduin. The son of Alduin, is at half the strength of any of your Daedric Lords. To denounce him as some mortal - treacherous he may be- is an insult. And yet Alduin lives on in Aetherius, where the other ancestors wait in slavery to his power. And he will return when the wheel has completed it's turn. And the Daedra will cower in desperate fear yet again as they are helplessly devoured along with their entire pathetic realm.
And it's shock Lich. I am master of lightning, bane of foolish wizards who dare challenge me. Perhaps you are thinking of grotesque Volsung?
What, those flaming space cotton balls?
They barely tickle a robed character on master :T
Blasphemous Revenant, as your Lord shares likeness with his Aedric greaters, Limited! to persist on mortal souls! what weakness, the Principalities look to his dependence as playthings, at least they change and have done successfully since time immemorial, in his feeble attempt to unshackle his cycle he was thwarted, TWICE by three and then one
is that such a simple matter? even the most beaten of principalities still succeeded in his efforts.
of many fangs and no force, your lord was a novice among the notion of change, he tried and failed and for that loses all worth, know that no matter Alduins cycle the Imposter you named has potential to be the next..Father of time.
Damn dragon priests. I must destroy you all! AGAIN! rrroooaaaarrr
He was wimp Iv had bears put up a better fight than Alduin .
I like Alduin, he saved me from getting my pretty head chopped off.
I only beat him once (just to finish the MQ).
I'm a Dracophile and I love Paarthurnax and Durnehviir.
Alduin needs to work out more. He should be a LOT bigger and tougher. He "dies" pretty spectacularly though !
Well, he's a freaking god who saved me from those Imperial dogs.
So yeah, I give him that one.