Alduin's Mist fight instant death bug?

Post » Wed Sep 04, 2013 7:21 am

Anyone else have an issue were the player dies instantly (I think after some shout from Alduin) just immediately after the mist clears?

Only the player no other NPC instant die...not even my follower.

The Black book creatures from Dragonborn DLC have a shout that seems to do the same thing to me, but I always thought that was on purpose.

And I had that issue with NO other mods loaded but my own combat mods and the DLC (never thought it was a bug until now).

Now at this point I have many quest mods loaded...but before I really dig into them I was wondering if anyone else has heard of this.

edit: Mmmmmm... even in GOD MODE I still die. That must mean it is a KILL function in a script. :blink:

Edit2 : Nevermind, it is a bug in my combat mod. :wallbash:

I can't wait to track this down because I do not make edits to any of the attacking spells (only wards and some fortify spells for block and health). This will be interesting to see whats is going on.

Sorry for the waste of the thread.

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