A thought: Alduin/Auri-El/Akatosh has http://media1.gameinformer.com/images/site/pages/esv/index.html?es=5, but was stopped by a plucky young hero, as these things often have a way of playing out. However, this didn't stop Alduin from coming back, and trying it all over again in TES:V.
So... what if the player in Skyrim were to... y'know... not stop him? What if beginning a new Kalpa is actually something that needs to happen? Akatosh, a nutbar though he may be, must have a reason for all this.
So... what if the player were to actively help him achieve his goal?
One thing Elder Scrools games do not do well or at all is choice/ consequence. They are way behind the times when it comes to this, many great RPG's allow the pl;ayer to change or mold the story, ES games are very linear despite their open world gameplay. If i want the world to go into ruin, you should be able to.