One has to adjust their thinking to "Room Temperature" back then. They had no heat and except for a few months in the Summer, Room Temps were 50 to 60 degrees, if not cooler. Plus, basemants and in ground tanks were used for storage, so they had at least a 55 degree storage system.
On the other hand, most classic alcoholic beverages, or any beverage for that matter, tastes better when the temps of the liquid is above 45 to 50 degrees. Most beers of the time were brewed to taste better at room temps as that is what they had to make. Modern beers are expected to be refrigerated and are brewed to taste better at 40 degrees or less.
Then, one has to look at the safety, or really the complete lack of, domestic water supplies. Wells were dug in the cities, people pooped in the streets or their night soil (this is where the term Chamber Pot came from) were tossed in the street in the mornings. Of course the disease germs associated with poop washed down into and contatminated the wells. Beer was the only safe beverage to drink. Most beers for this purpose were of low alchohol content as they were considered green or not fully proccessed beer. So, best temperature for taste would be different too.
While I like where you are coming from, and this is more than a little off topic and overly pedantic:
Wait... When was fire discovered? Animal skins? Building your barn into your house? Burying your house in the ground to keep it warm? All of those things are "heat".
While windows (as in holes in walls), glass windows and so on weren't used. And apart from doors, those are the major causes of drafts in houses.
Meanwhile, I read that as 10 degrees centigrade. So during the dead of winter, it would be well into the negatives, using the logic of no "heating", no "insulation" and so on.
Also, basemants are a relatively modern 'invention'. Most European cities would have exploited cave systems. Or, as their houses were literally built on top of other peoples houses, use the top floor from their house.
So I wouldn't tend to believe that "Room temperature" has changed all that much. If anything, it has probably decreased nowadays.