Vivec wept as he slew all those around him with his terrible new spear. He named it MUATRA, which is Milk Taker, and even the Chimeri mystics knew his fury. Anyone struck by Vivec at this time turned barren and withered into bone shapes.
Pretty much the best line in the lore.
So I guess Bal didn't go to the hospital after downing five bottles of cyalis then? Instead he called in a hermaphrodite that may or may not have killed the leader of his people so that he and his two buddies could forsake everything they had just fought for, thus resulting in the cursing of the people that he just forsaked to protect? Actually, reading that over, that kinda makes sense. God I love this lore in a weird, repulsed kind of way. But the idea of Vivec killing several people with his... did he then have two... actually I don't want to know.