Wrong forum. You will get answer when this thread will be moved to proper hint/cheats and spoiler forum. Alot of players haven't done it yet.
Okay, your post been moved. The crashsite can only be activated by 1) right level + a. activate a radio beacon or b. Be close to the crashsite.
Follow the green stuffs on the ground. You will see a cave.
The Cave is still the Cave, and You may be able to loot the Zetan and the Mole Rats that live in the Cave prior to the wreck.
Wrong cave, because there should not be mole rats. Okay, look at this http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=fallout+4+alien+cave&view=detail&mid=0EA8C72A07B3622B405B0EA8C72A07B3622B405B&FORM=VIRE1.
When a character enters the Cave prior to the Encounter, the Cave is a Mole Rat Den. I think Jeremypill has a bugged and possibly unrecoverable glitch in His Saved Games with His current character
I have a lot of experience with Bethesda Games, Your current character may be unfixable, but a new character should have the encounter happen correctly. if You have a Save from before Your current character hit level 20, the Encounter should work correctly.