Good evening. It's definitely MGE XE. The way it renders shadows, it has to draw on top on what Morrowind has rendered. When it comes to mixing new rendering with shaders and old rendering, it means any imprecision shows up as irregular shaped errors. In this case there are two or more transparent surfaces very close together, which end up double shadowed where they overlap because MGE XE can't accurately assume that one layer is behind the other. It's due to the mesh having intersecting or very close layers of triangles.
It can only be fixed by editing the mesh. Overlapping layers need to have the layers separated, or the back layer removed if it's supposed to be hidden. There should be no intersections at all.
Thank you for the explanation, Hrnchamd. I was hoping it wouldn't be something like that, though.

I don't think the layers actually overlap (there would be alpha clipping issues if they did overlap, right?), so I think it's because they're very close together (and they are). I think I remember using the scale function on the planes to bring layers of hair closer in 3dsmax, bad idea in retrospect it would seem. If I remove the back layers it will show from the front. So yes, I think I'll have to move vertices around if I want to fix it. Oh well, now I know what to do, so thanks

I'll give it a try later, when I find where I put the max file!
I could even redo the whole back of the hair, maybe it would be simpler. I see some things I would like to improve on anyway, I guess meshes are never really finished.