May this alien disscusion continue at

Ok I feel I have to say something:
As an alien, even a small one, I am part of the galatic, inter-planetary federation of xeno-maniacs and I have to stand up against the xenophopia on these forums. The protection and equal rights of all aliens must be upheld. How do you know its aliens that made the crop circles? And why do we always get the blame.
You earthlings are full of accusations - for example anol probes. Why do you think that we would abduct people like you and then for our sheer ammusment stick a metal rod up your.....well you get the point.
So please, before the xeno-slurrs get to a point where every species in the galatic, inter-planetary federation of xeno-maniacs decides to blow up your planet out of sheer anger, can you just accept that it is infact the activities of the smurfs that have caused the crop circles and the need for this mod - they are your enemy!
The threat of the smurfs is far greater than you earthlings know. Already they have bombarded you with propaganda of cute blue creatures but they are infact stone cold killers. They seek to destroy most of the human civilisation and use the remain scraps as a slave horde to mine their salt mines on Astrix Zona III - for they had a great addiction to salt!
Already 20% of the known universe has fallen under their control. So before you start pointing fingers please know that it is indeed the smurfs that are the root cause of this problem.