All about race

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:08 pm

Hey everyone! Just created this poll.

Please post what you voted for and why below!

Personally I like the Khajiits but maybe that's just me.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:02 am

I wasn't sure whether you meant in gameplay or story terms (I assumed the latter). For me I like Dunmer best... probably because morrowind was my first TES game and there back story in the 200 years since oblivion is just tragic :violin: Wood elves are my second favourite because they look awesome now (and whoever voted them down is bad and should feel bad :tongue: )

Oh, and I voted high elves down 'cause of the whole Thalmor thing... and I voted for chimer because they essentially were dark elves back in there hay-day, also seeing that word made me feel nostalgic for Morrowind :blush:
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