I reset the password via the website...hmm..there's no username? Where is it? It was nowhere. I tried visiting a few pages like 'edit profile' and 'forums' and it said I wasn't signed in. However when clicking 'Login', it said I was already logged in. So here I have an account with supposedly no username, just my email address and no way of playing the game.
OK. I gave in and created a new login via the website (doing it via the game failed). So I logged in, where my email address was at the top, it now said 'Hi, dragunov1985'. Great, a username at last to login with!
So I started up the game, logged in and found it was multiplayer only. Fine. Went to check what servers were available and there were NONE. I thought it must be wrong, checked the filters and they were OK and I don't have a software firewall so it wasn't being blocked and the NAT status was moderate. Not terrible then. Still no servers.
So Crysis team, you have disappointed me in that you may have a great game somewhere...but people who want to give it a try can't get to it. Well done. It's ok, I will choose another game, but not from you.