every Creature in my game has the same sound. Okay: every NEW creature:
1. i edit a copy of "CrViciousDog" for axample to an new creature called "DOG99"
2. i create new sounds (attack, idle, hit, death)
3. i create an new creature "AudioTemplateNEWDOG" (or edit the old one (dog) to the new ID)
and use the new (working) sounds as entries fpr "death", "hit", "attack" and so on
4. in the creature tab SOUNDS for my "DOG99": "inherit Sounds from" : i choose "AudioTemplateNewDog"
but: in the Game: the Dog uses ONLY the old sounds. I can duplicate every creature in
the game hundred times and give them in the creature/Sound Tab other Sounds: but always
they play thoir own/old creature sounds. No matther what : i can not use new creaturesounds
And yes: the new sounds are in the right soundformat and playing well in the
Please Help, i am trying weeks after weeks to solve this problem