I've no idea what happened here. I've setup a LOT of custom dialogue, complete guard dialogue for every occasion (bribe, go to jail, idles, hellos, goodbyes, EVERYTHING), also lots on NPC dialogue, has taken me months to do this. For the past week I've been concentrating on an interior cell, nothing related to quests, actors, factions or dialogue. Just called it a day and decided to go and wander around my world. Not 1 NPC says any custom dialogue. The guards don't say anything at all even when clicked on, their entire vocabulary is custom and now it's gone. I don't get this at all. Why does CK do tricks like this? I've a good mind to just give up on the whole project if nobody can help me, please, restore what I had, it is way too much work to go through dialogue line by line again.
Absolutely at my wits end with CK, advice PLEASE!!!