Yes, theres a few you can buy. The overseers gauntlets are heavy combat but.. It kinda makes getting them "oh.. Great. Another."
Yeah it would be nice if the legendary prefix was done as a unique mod in place of another that you could take off and place on an upgraded piece. Though in order for that to work, you'd have to be able to upgrade higher tiered pieces with mods from lesser tiered armor which the fact you can't is also a bit of a let down IMHO.
Not everyone tries to go for maximum resistances all the time. I have plenty of Heavy Combat Armor, but I still use Sturdy Combat Armor most of the time. It's lighter, so it saves on carry weight. I feel that it looks better, so there's that, and it's easier to sneak because the armor is lighter weight. My character is a sniper over anything else, and some of the armor that offers perception boosts, luck boosts, VATS enhancement and so on can be very helpful. If my armor boosts my perception by 2, boosts luck by 1, and increases VATS accuracy, I'm going to be much more consistent with my successful shots. Some armor increases charisma, which can be very useful when passing speech checks. There are a lot of uses for it. But...admittedly, roughly 90% of the legendary armor that I get ends up getting sorted into the "legendary armor that I'm never going to use" bin. I do have several full suits of legendary Combat Armor though. I'm still working on putting together a legendary suit of Heavy Combat Armor. I've got 3-4 pieces of it now. I'll find the rest sooner or later I imagine.
If you're into settlement building, all Sharp armor pieces will allow you to get a considerable charisma boost to recruit more settlers in. The Green Shirt and Combat Boots give +2, Black-Rim Glasses give +1, and 6 pieces of Sharp armor give another +6, for +9 charisma from your clothing. With either 10 or 11 base charisma, this gives 19 or 20 charisma just from clothing, which allows quite a few more settlers in.
I find a decent amount of it that's in both normal and sturdy variants. The naming system is a mess though, and typically won't specify that it's sturdy or heavy.
Yeah, legendary armor will spawn on sturdy or heavy variants as well - it's just impossible to tell outright without either putting it on or making your best guess with the armor rating.
Sidenote, but the Chameleon effect on the Pipboy isn't that bad for me? I just look at the floor, or the ceiling, or in any direction where I get a mostly homogenous background. Don't need to break invisibility or stealth... Now, aiming down sights is the real issue. >.>
>checks records<
why yes, unfortunately, it appears that Creation, Armor, Legendary, Named: were indeed completed by the Janitorial Dept intern on his only day off.
Maybe I'm remembering wrong. A lot of people are saying otherwise. I might be mixing up some of the various uniques that I've bought from vendors with the random legendary drops. I'll have to take a closer look later.
All the dropped legendary armor pieces are lacking compared with the pieces I've purchased. In early game they were useful, but I've since replaced with vendor sold items. I've taken to using the dropped stuff on companions or vendoring it or just hoarding it for 'look what I've got' value.