Trudging through the challenging terrain was only the beginning. The real goal is still in the far distance; however, the group chosen for this task was the chosen few. Would this miscreant band of adventurers prevail? Would they even survive the night? The mysteries of these questions would only be unveiled as the ripples in time unfolded. If the group does survive, and persist through the milestones ahead - the world as a whole would know each of their names. No! They would revere their names and honor their very lineages.
These chosen 4 adventurers had received the calling, and answered it. As they sat in the great hall awaiting the purpose of their summons, they knew not those who sat at their sides at the table. What they did know is that of those sitting at the table, no two were alike, and it appeared social class was not a commonality between them. The short human-looking scruffy individual who devoured his food and drink with all the vigor of a starved child. The scantally clad female who more often than not seemed lost in her own thoughts as opposed to the here and now. The burley looking male who guarded his food as though it were his possession and from his actions, deemed it guard-worthy. The solemn middle aged woman that seemed to be weighing each person at the table as though she thought they pose a threat. This comprised the occupants of the table. Each from apparent varied social classes, each from different areas judging from the clothing and mannerisms, and lastly, each with very different appearances and personalities.
Could this Motley-Crew band of misfits come together to save the world? First glance would suggest they could not; however, they had the 'calling' so perhaps the group as a whole is the diamond in the rough. Certainly stronger, wiser, and more adept candidates could be chosen... So why these select few? The answers to all these questions would be revealed shortly.
The double doors barring the northend of the hall swung slowly open, allowing the noble figure to stop briefly in the arch to allow his 'guests' time to absorb the scene before them. The long flowing crimson robes adorned with a delicate golden embroidery faceted with rare and precious gemstones held the figure of the man cloaked. Long flowing blond hair falling around a chiseled face that was clean shaven held firm a crown of obvious worth. The crown held 6 even peaks of crested brilliance - crafted of the finest metals and gemstones with elaborate detail. This was man of stature to be sure. The hall fell silent, and the guests paused their indulgence...
The mans voice was angelic in nature, and the sound of voice carried through the hall as smoothly as the air flows over the wings of a bird gliding through a morning meadow. As the hall quieted, and the guests turned to the stranger in the doorway, he took a breath, and stated, "I presume you would like to know why you felt compelled to travel the great distances you have to be here today. I will answer all your questions, but before I do - I believe introductions are in order."