» Sat Oct 15, 2011 12:35 pm
Uh, not quite, but close. TIE and ROM are what's considered overhauls, they change a lot, but it's mostly gameplay related. TIE actually only uses vanilla content, no textures/meshes, but it still feels complete. ROM is actually build on top of another overhaul, OOO, or oscuro's oblivion overhaul. Franceso's is another, and combines with MMM (mart's monster mod) and ooo to create fcom. The main goal of these "overhauls" are to fix the whole world levels up with you thing, but often add other things as well, you'll have to check the readme.
You'll still want the unoffical patches. Probably a UI mod likes Darn's. Plenty of graphics mods for textures/models/meshes, qarl's is the biggest, but not necessarily the best. All natural is the most popular weather mod. There are plenty of good quest mods, you'll just have to search for what you want. Some like a magic overhaul like LAME or supreme magicka, you can even use both at the same time. Toggleable quantity prompt is a must for me, as is keychain. I'm currently using wrye leveling, though oblivion xp is good as well.
There is no all in one download pack for all of these. It'd be too difficult to cater to everyone's individual needs and tastes, and get permission from all the authors.
Modding is a rewarding experience, but you do have to put some time into figuring out what you want first, otherwise search the nexus and you can find most things. Phoenix created a topic here: that might help you : http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1072579-the-any-mods-list-of-topics/
If you can respond with the kind of mods you want more specifically we can give more specific recommendations.