So, I've sort of spent the last two years distracted by another project, and it seems that quite a bit has happened in that time gone. Fileplanet getting shut down, Megaupload getting shut down, new patch updates, and something about trollbone armor that I can't read because it's in British >.>
Anyhow, I've finally come down off of that sweet, sweet high and realized that I need to get back to work on other things. I've spent the last week or so giving my site a thorough spring cleaning/makeover, and now it's time to get to work on ye olde Morrowind list...e.
So, come one and all and give me your thoughts and suggestions about what on it needs to be fixed/updated (the link to my site is in my sig, for those who don;t know >.>) Let me just first throw out a few things that I'm already aware of:
? Yes, I know Fileplanet is dead as are most of the links pointing there. What I don't know is where all of this [censored] is getting reuploaded to, if at all.
? For the [censored] love of Celestia, I know that Megaupload is dead. Some kind soul here was nice enough to upload my BMS soundtrack to Dropbox, which is what I'll be using.
? I know that there's a new version of the MCP out, and I also know that Slart has finally decided to merge all of the known bugfix mods together. What I don't know is whether or not that includes Correct UV Rocks, which will need to be removed from my mod list if that's the case.
Anyhow, I've tried to make navigating the list a little easier by linking to each mod individually on the site's main mod index (in addition to linking to the list normally), so let me know if that helps or not. Also, the categorization of some of the mods is hard (I'm kind of iffy on where to put Vality's Trees, for example), so let me know if anything seems mislabelled.
Anyhow, thanks in advance, and it's good to be back around here.