well, I believe it was gamespot that talked about a 6 stage crafting system. though I hope this isn't what they're referring to
if it is, then what about all this?
ok, now to show some customization :celebration:
http://www.google.com/imgres?q=skyrim+screenshots&um=1&hl=en&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=s&tbm=isch&tbnid=0K9PZDOFvzkSdM:&imgrefurl=http://badasspanda.com/a-few-more-elder-scrolls-skyrim-screenshots/3404&docid=KXs96wTigt-TrM&w=500&h=225&ei=0spITsynJYjmiALzw4WKDA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=492&vpy=301&dur=2756&hovh=150&hovw=335&tx=227&ty=105&page=7&tbnh=80&tbnw=178&start=74&ndsp=14&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:74&biw=1024&bih=575-it doesn't look like the cuirass is the same as the one above it. in fact, it looks more like a shirt
http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6144/6036630186_b097ea1eaa_o.jpg-on a side note, those arrows and that hammer look pretty sick.
http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_4lrm97dBqNo/TTBT9jmKV5I/AAAAAAAAAWU/4AKU45Xlafs/s1600/skyrim_006.jpg-well, that I know of, anyway
http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-8NzkHyrJgIQ/TjVnnH6x66I/AAAAAAAAAZ0/EQvFLQwu0Y4/s1600/skyrim_072211-03.jpg-look at his left shoulder. that's a third pauldron type right there, possibly a fourth. also, his right pauldron is plain, not the kind with the metal plate.
and another suit of armor that I've yet to see anyone point out-though if you have pointed it out before, credit's yours
http://spong.com/asset/345715/11/24519/list his armor has shoulder pauldrons, plus an extra piece on the front that doesn't appear to have any purpose other than enhancement/decoration. also, his gauntlets appear to be regular steel/iron gauntlets, because a number of our race preview shots have the same ones
Why are people still asking this? We squashed that beef on the character screenshots thread. There shouldn't be any doubt now that there IS armor customization in Skyrim.
When the Quakecon demo started, every player was given the same set of equipment to wear:
- http://portal.aecorp.in/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Skyrim-Khajit-Gameinformer.jpg
- http://fastcache.gawkerassets.com/assets/images/9/2011/08/character2k_kotaku.jpg
- http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/6513/gtbosmer.jpg
- http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8613775/Skyrim/SkyrimArgonian/Lizzle-Bob.jpg
- http://media.multiplayer.it/thumbs/images/2011/08/14/character1e_it_copia_jpg_0x0_watermark-big_q85.jpg
Some journalists looted for different armor. Others upgraded their's through smithing:
- http://www.gameplanet.co.nz/art/full/3279351.jpg
It's not that hard to believe everyone.
![Wink ;)](http://gamesas.com/images/smilies/icon_e_wink.gif)