I can attest to the wisdom of that, I had to do it once on 360 to get through a 'problem area'.
I can attest to the wisdom of that, I had to do it once on 360 to get through a 'problem area'.
Not true, many thousands maybe millions play on xbox or ps3 and do not find the game "unplayable" yes many including myself may complain about the bugs but it is very far from being unplayable. Are you sure it is not just the PC or mods that have made you think that way?
Ahhh, I see. The method still works in that case BUT it's a 50/50 chance that the game will freeze during the load screen even if you do manage to get to the exit. Back tracking is the only solution then, if you can that is.
Make the game your [censored], show it who's boss. Hell I remember punching my Nintendo when it decided to crap out, believe it or not it worked OR turning the Sega on and off until it decided to work. Over my years of gaming I've learned that sometimes you need to be a spiteful gamer when the equipment ( console ) isn't cooperating, show it who's boss
Using disable makes the target disappear but does not remove the data from the cell, so it will be included in all save games.
Markfordelete is usually the better option, since it deletes the object and the data permanently.
I 'disable" all of the children, as I come across them. That little bit of data isn't enough to cause issue. Besides I may still want to enable one of them for some reason. However, you are very correct. That is a better option for items and what have you that will be permanently removed.
Somebody actually tole me once the weapons and shields not cleaning up was a feature. Can you believe the mockery of that statement.
He argued with me about it he was either serious or trolling. I do not know which.
Trust me you do not want to know what I think. Being a console player, I have no intention of installing any unofficial patches for the PC version till the game actually proves unplayable. Not needing console commands to solve my problems, and not intending on using mods for a while I expect the game to be perfectly playable.
Later on I will try optional improvements, like unofficial patches and mods.
Why then? I'd like to know!
Later on, you could also do your own patches for the game. That's what I do and I feel it a lot more rewarding than using patches made by others, other than Beth, of course (although I got back to 1.8 because of the lip sync bug).
For a game of this variety and size, I'd be surprised if there were little/no bugs. It's still a playable game, though. Perhaps try some of the general fixes, such as reloading a previous save.
Just reloading an earlier save is not acceptable for the weapons and shield clean up bug this bug effects all saves and has been around since day one. The USKP fixes this for PC players but there is no official fix from the devs to fix this across all platforms.
The respawn bug also affects all saves and 1.6 was only a partial fix the enemies in the wilds do not respawn after a time and the plants are not pickable.
Then there is numerous clean up bugs that effects NPCs and so on.