I've been surfing the forums and i see a lot of complaint threads and i guess this is kind of a complaint to the complainers which might cause this thread to be closed. But regardless i feel that i should try to defend this game to the best of my ability.
The RPG genre has changed a lot over the past years with games like Mass Effect and Dragon Age claiming to be "RPG's" and because of this, these kids these days feel that a RPG is a 40 hour third person shooter or hack n slasher. Which is sad. BUT Bethesda has the nerve to bring out a game that some of these RPG producers could never come close to and thats Skyrim. This game may not be the most deep and have the most skills or the most customization but what it does have is a ROLE PLAYING aspect to the game. Which i feel a lot of these "RPG's" lately forget about so apart from all the knit pick [censored] I'm playing Skyrim the way its meant to be played and thats immersing myself in the world and look at the game in a big picture outlook. I'm personally just thankful that there is finally some type of "old school" RPG on the shelves of our local stores. I'm gonna keep this thread short and just leave it at that. I'm sure i will have a lot of trolling and flaming but whatever if thats what some of you Daggerfall fans wanna do then i guess that shows your immaturity.