Is caused by nostalgia.
If you could wipe the tears from your eyes and enjoy the game for what it is without all of these comparisons to older games, you would probably realize that it's the best Elder Scrolls.
In fact, I think some of you complain and compare, just because you have nobody to talk to and you want to let everyone know that you've played the older games.
Yeah. ^_^ I'm pretty sure that's what it is.
Sure it is nostalgia. Isn't that how anything gets compared by what you remember? The issue is if they could make characters/NPC feel alive in games like Morrowind, or Daggerfall or even other games out there from the early part of the 2000s or even the 90s. Why is that in 2011 with the superior hardware exponetially larger hard drives ( I remember honestly believing I would never fill up a 1 gig drive) does all the feeling and depth get left out of the games. That is what people are wanting. Games back on the consoles with such limited hard drive space had more depth then what we have no. Take most of the Final Fantasy games. You had a PS1 memory card that held what 8 mb?
I knew people that would go nuts if that become corrupted or lost. Why? Because of all the time and work they had put into the games. Earning the best items in the game meant something. Now because of games like WoW and a lot of the more recent FPS games publishers only care about the bottom line and how many people they can get the game out to. They would rather cut corners and take out content and substance to simple make money. Before games become such a large industry people actually cared about the overall quality.
I know a lot people that would just as much fun to throw in a copy of Super Mario Brothers on the NES and would have a blast for hours simple because the gameplay was good, design was near perfect really, and until you really played it over and over and over it was a challenge. Now it's all they need to be able to sit down, and be lead around the game world, and you have to be able to beat it in under 20 hours. Yes there are a couple expections to the 20 hour thing, but most games out there if they are longer then 10 hours people are impressed. Which is just down right pathetic.