I wanted to build a mage after my first character was done but i want her to be a destruction mage, not a illusion/conjuration mage with a melee weapon and then destruction to finish things off as an afterthought
Can anyone ease my fears about destruction?
Can anyone confirm them?
Can anyone remember any balance patches from bethesda, i remember several from obsidian (fallout nv) but not a single one from Beth
If i put tons of perks into it, would that make things better?
Has Beth said a thing lately about the game or a patch?
Mage is fine, just don't neglect the stats that are important to a caster...most importantly, cost reduction.
My level 32 mage murders everyone he sees and has been doing so his whole life. Just play like a mage would play and you'll be fine. He is what some would call "Pure Destruction". My Destruction skill is at 86, and the large majority of my perks are there, I have them all except reduce master spell cost (100).
If anything, its too easy sometimes. I died my fair share at lower levels, its going to happen, the game loves to throw a random bear at your face when you're not ready and kill you before you can respond...but in a "fair fight", I'm unstoppable.